Become A Member
OFOP requires all applicants to complete a certification examination prior to being accepted as a member of OFOP
To register with the Ontario Federation of Osteopathic Professionals you must :
1. Hold a qualification in osteopathy, gained from an OFOP accredited program*.
2. Pay the registration fee.
3. Obtain adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance, the minimum cover acceptable being $2 million.
4. Download the registration application form below, complete it and mail the registration application package to us according to the instruction on the form.
5. Provide an OFOP with Criminal Background Check (not the vulnerable person’s police check) using the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database
in order to apply for membership to OFOP you have to:
- fill up an application form.
- provide an OFOP with notarized documents (copy of: Diploma, membership in Osteopathic Association).
- provide an OFOP with Criminal Background Check (not the vulnerable person’s police check) using the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database
- to ask an official transcript from educational institution (osteopathic curriculum and date of graduation) to be send directly to OFOP.
One of the prime functions of the OFOP is to protect the public and ensure that osteopaths on the Statutory Register continue to practice to high standards of competence and safety.
Registration is granted for a calendar year, after which point you will need to renew your license to practice.
You will be asked to declare any health problems, criminal or civil proceedings and your compliance with continuing professional development requirements.
You will also need to provide details of your current professional indemnity insurance and pay your renewal fee.
To reassure patients, the OFOP has introduced a voluntary identity card for osteopaths, which can be used when making home visits.
All members are required to participate in Continuing Osteopathic Education (COE) courses yearly.
Accredited School* :
Toronto Academy of Osteopathy :
* accreditation of Osteopathic institutions by OFOP are under the World Health Organization (WHO) Type 2 training guidance that provide a reference point to which actual practice can be compared and evaluated.
Under WHO, osteopathy distinguish two types of training depending on prior training and clinical experience of trainees.
Type 1 training programs are aimed at those with little or no prior health-care training.
Type 2 training programs are aimed at health care professionals with prior training in the health care industry and are members of the following recognized institutions: College of Surgeon and Physicians, College of Physiotherapist, College of Naturopathic Medicine, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practitioners, College of Massage Therapist.
All elements of the curriculum are delivered in the context of focusing on the patient rather than disease, viewing the patient as someone who seeks the facilitation of their optimum health, and on the importance of the patient and practitioner forming a therapeutic partnership.
For more information, please read ‘Benchmarks for Training in Osteopathy’ published by the World Health Organization.
*Membership review – All accredited schools will be reviewed every four years to ensure consistency with membership requirements and standards.
OFOP may periodically review membership to assure that it follows educational standards of WHO.
Failure to comply with OFOP guidelines, will result in termination of school/college accreditation.